Indoor League Registration

As the weather starts to turn a little colder, it’s time to sign up for indoor leagues!

Days: Tuesdays, November 15th to March 7th. 

Hurling Schedule: November 15th – January 10th.

Football Schedule: January 17th – March 7th. 
Times: First game will start at 8pm. Last game will finish by 10pm.
Address: The Sportzone, 6601 Coffman Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Final price will likely be about $90 to $95 (per sport, depending on number of sign-ups).

Go here to pay your $20 down payment per sport (if you’re only playing one, it will be $20; if you play both, it’ll be $40): Β

If you sign up for both leagues at this time, you can receive a small discount.  Total due – $170. 

We don’t want to prohibit anyone from playing that wants to play.  If you need to set up a payment plan, please complete this form and then email to finalize payment plan. 

Any other questions/concerns, please email
