While I claim to be neither as charming or as handsome as John Krasinski, I figured that we could all use a nice dose of good news right now. As we continue wait out the ‘Rona here are few nice stories we thought might be worth sharing. Enjoy!
👶🏻 Hey Babe

Indy GAA Board Chair David Littlejohn and family welcomed Scarlett Renee to the world on February 20th, just in time for her to get a taste of the before-times.
Baby and family are doing great and are making the most of social distancing by taking long walks through the neighborhood, preferably without any stops, because Scarlett is not a fan sitting still 😊
👨🏾🎓Big Man on Campus

Gaelic sports double-threat and proclaimed ‘Dawg with Style‘ Antwain Hunter was recently awarded tenure at Butler University and promoted to Associate Professor.
Rumor on the street says this means he can wear elbow patches on his tweed jacket now.
🇺🇸 Back Home Safe
Ben Kemp has returned from a tour in Kuwait. Thank you for your service Ben, we are glad you’re back home safely and hope we get raise a pint with you soon, first round’s on us 🍻
🌼🐈 Fake Flower?

Andretta Erickson has taken to pet fostering. At first Dretta was a tad suspicious of her new friend Pansy as she didn’t quite match her online profile (seems they never do), but she quickly decided to swipe right on her new friend and fostered her until last week when she was permanently adopted!
Don’t call her the crazy cat lady yet, but Dretta has decided to “go her own way” and and will be welcoming a new feline friend this week, Stevie Nicks.
🚚🍻 Special Delivery

Brian Mathes answered Books N’ Brew’s call to arms for growlers when they ran out a few weeks back. BnB has been a perennial sponsor of the club and has even named a beer after us through their sister brewery Rad!
Brian put out an APB to the club and personally made the rounds to collect extra growlers from members and delivered over 30 of them!
💇♂️ Paul the Barber

Paul Flynn raised over $3,400 for charity! The young son of a family friend back home motivated Paul to do something, so he set a goal of raising $2,500, with the extra motivation being he’d shave his head if the goal was hit. Amazingly, within four days the goal was surpassed and Paul made good on his bet.
Young Dan was only 8 months old when he was diagnosed with a very rare neuromuscular disease, and the family’s only hope to save his life is to fly him to the United States for a very costly treatment. People from all over the world joined in and have raised nearly 2 million Euros to get Dan the treatment he needs.
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