Category: Training

Nationals Callout and Practices

As we plan ahead to the 2023 USGAA Nationals in Denver this year, we’ve started holding dedicated nationals-focused practices, which are in addition to our traditional Wednesday practices.

  • Hurling & Camogie – Tuesdays
  • Gaelic Football – Thursdays

These practices will be held at Eugene Burns Fields and as always, keep an eye on our calendar in the event things change.

As we get further into the season we’ll start to hone in on the makeup of our travel teams, but until then these practices are open to anyone interested in potentially making the trip.

In the meantime we ask that you complete this form to help us get a better idea of how many folks can make the trip, and how many teams we should register.

Upcoming Coaching Clinic – 2/25

If you’ve ever been at practice and thought ‘Man, I never want to do this drill again’ or ‘Man, I wanna do this drill/game every week’ — have I got an opportunity for you! Coaching tutors Brien Shoemaker and Ciaran Connery will be leading a coaching course from 9am – 3pm on February 25 at the Zionsville Youth Soccer Association.

All are welcome, even if you are unsure about your commitment to coaching this upcoming year. Please use the link below to rsvp so I know who my favorite club members are.

Upcoming Events Next Week

I just wanted to get a quick reminder out before the holiday that we’ve got a few events coming up next week. The first.

Coaches Planning Meeting

December 1st – 8pm on Zoom

Everyone is invited to take part in discussing what our 2022 season should look like from the coaching perspective.  Our goal during this call is to come up with recommendations to the board for practice frequency, format, and times so that the board can work on securing fields to meet our criteria.

Flippin Donnybrook at Tappers – A Pinball Tournament

December 5th – 3pm at Tappers Arcade Bar

Help support the Indy GAA and get those last-minute points at the Flippin Donnybrook pinball tournament. Registration is just $10, and qualifying starts at 3:00pm.

The qualifying round will be a ‘best game’ format for 6 games at one attempt per game. Finals will be group ladder elimination similar to Pinburgh/PAPA. Groups of four in four-game rounds. The bottom two are eliminated. The final four will play one game for the winner.

Updates for the Week of June 7-13

As we continue to ramp up activities for the year I wanted to take a quick second to put together a list of events and happenings that everyone should be aware of.

In addition to everything below we hope to see you at practice this Tuesday… if the weather cooperates 🌧

June Board Meeting this Wednesday

This month’s board meeting will be held this coming Wednesday, June 9th, at 7:30pm on RingCentral Meetings. All members are welcome to attend and we encourage you to do so, particularly if you have any questions or ideas you’d like to contribute. You can view the call-in details, and add the event to your calendar here →

Pub League Registration Deadline is this Friday

As we announced last week, registration for our club and the 2021 pub league is now live. The deadline to register and ensure you are entered into the draft is end of day this Friday, June 11th. The draft will be held a week from today, Monday, June 14th, at 7:30pm at Centerpoint Brewing.

You can register here, and if you have any questions please reach out to

Sunday Pick-up Games

This past Sunday we began holding pick-up games/stick tosses at Eugene Burns Fields. We will continue to do this until Pub League starts on July 11th. Hurling/camogie match starts at 11am and Gaelic football starts at noon.

More details can be found here →

July Virtual Referee Course

The Heartland GAA will be holding an online referee course next month, on July 14th, at 8:30pm. The training will be lead by Heartland Treasurer and long-time referee/trainer Brian Mathes.

This a great course for anyone interested in refereeing or even just wanting to get a better understanding of the rules. All skill and experience levels are welcome.

Call-in details are still forthcoming so be sure to check the calendar event for updates.

Football training with Eammon Ryan

Pick-up Games Starting this Sunday

As we keep barreling every-so-closer to the start of pub league, we wanted to provide an opportunity for folks to knock the rust off on the pitch. So starting this Sunday we will begin holding a stick toss at 11am for hurling and camogie, whatever the equivalent type of toss (boot? ball?) is for Gaelic football at 12pm.

Everyone is welcome to join us whether you’re brand new or a returning player, just bring a decent set of boots and a hurley/helmet/mouthguard if you have one. We do have some spare equipment and will attempt to accommodate those who may need it, but

We hope to see you out this weekend at Eugene Burns Fields, and if you have any questions please reach out to our Coaching Chair, Andretta Erickson.

Also, if you’ve not yet registered for pub league, hop to it! Details can be found on our registration page.