What a Weekend!
This year’s USGAA Nationals was one for the books. All codes won their first round of matches, and we had three out of five codes reach Championship Sunday, including our first-ever Ladies’ Gaelic football panel!
I’m extremely proud of all that were involved. Whether you were on the pitch, in the stands, or organizing from the sidelines you should be very proud of our accomplishments, and the way that we showed the rest of the country what it means to be a part of the Indy GAA.
Thanks to Brittney-Elizabeth Photography we also have an extensive photo library documenting the weekend. Photos are available for purchase if you would like to own a copy for personal uses, they also make a great gift! Please contact Brittney directly for details.
Global Fest – this Saturday
Think global and fest local at Global Fest 2022 presented by Good Living Indy. Join us to share traditions, honor heritage and learn about cultures through food, music, art and play.
The club will have a booth from noon until 5:30pm to teach people about the great Gaelic games. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Chris Burrows.
End of Year Survey & Award Nominations
Our end-of-year survey is now live. We’ve combined the survey with our annual awards nominations to make it an easy, all-in-one place for you to leave your feedback while it’s still fresh in your mind.
Please note that award nominations will only be live through September 30th, so don’t wait, get it done now!
Irish Fest – September 23-24
Indy Irish Fest will be held next Friday and Saturday at Garfield Park. We’ll be there as usual to help and hope to see you there!
We ask any members who are interested in helping out in the booth to please complete this form.
Fall League has Begun!
Fall League will be on Sundays at Eugene Burns from September 11 – October 30, 9:30-11:30am.
General skill work will be practiced from 9:30-10:15. Matches will start at 10:30 and 11:30. Teams will be picked on the day with those that attend. Please bring a dark and a light shirt for teams.
We will alternate which sport plays first. Football will go first on ODD numbered dates and hurling will go first on EVEN numbered dates. Skill work will follow this same schedule.
Fall Tournaments
There are a number of travel tournaments coming up that we want to be sure you’re aware of. We currently have members interested in attending:
- Midwest Tournament – Madison, WI – Saturday, September, 17th
- Al O’Leary Tournament – Akron, OH – Saturday, October 1st
If you are interested in playing please contact Jeremy Pugh or join our travel channels in Slack.
Indoor League
Mark your calendars, Indoor League will run November 15 – January 10th for Hurling/Camogie and January 17 – March 7 for Gaelic Football.
More details coming soon!