🦠 The Latest Regarding COVID
I hope your 2021 is off to as good of a start as it can be given the current situation. Hopefully this year we’ll be able to gather and play again, but we are still in a holding pattern as we wait for things to get better. If this were a normal season we would have already had our draft events, our second round of indoor would be complete and we’d be gearing up for St. Patrick’s Day.
Unfortunately COVID is hanging around into 2021, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So far this year our board has been able to hold two meetings to discuss plans for the upcoming year. At this point we still don’t know when health professionals will recommend that it is safe to play contact sports, but we will keep a very close eye on their recommendations and guidance and we’ll do our best to keep the Club informed of any updates and/or plans for our events and season.
📋 2021 League Registration
Josh Lane has created potential schedules with varying start dates so we can hit the ground running when the time comes. We’ve submitted our COVID plan to the Marion County Health Department in order to reserve the fields at Eugene Burns.
Our main goal is to keep our members and their families safe and healthy which is why we will not host games if there are still restrictions that recommend against it. With that in mind, our board has also chosen to focus on our local events and season this year and as part of that adjustment we will not be hosting our invitational.
Not knowing when we will be able to start our season makes it a little tricky to ask our members to register for the season. To help us get a better understanding of who all is interested in playing this year we are asking members to register here at no cost (for now). When we are able to play we will ask for all members to pay before playing our first games.
This week, the USGAA has also announced that they will be requiring registration, including the same fee structure as in past years ($63 males/$42 females). Be on the lookout for an email from Rachel soon on how to complete that process.
Having this early registration helps us plan for the upcoming season. We hope that all of our members will return to play but we understand that each person has their own level of comfort regarding this situation and may choose to put more time between the pandemic and playing.
🏆 February Skills Challenge
Last month we launched our virtual challenge program and are working to continue it to encourage our members to stay active and engaged. February’s Frigid Digits Challenge has wrapped up and Hope Plumbing won the first round of hurling and Bier Brewery took the win for football.
We are planning to continue the virtual challenge program and would like to see all of our members submit their challenge videos. If you have any thoughts or ideas on challenges or how we can improve this program please feel free to send them to the board.
Stay tuned as we will be announcing the March challenge soon.
✏️ March Board Meeting
This month’s board meeting will be held next week, on Wednesday, March 10th at 7:30pm. If you care to join us you can use this meeting link. If you have any issues joining the call please contact Kyle.
📰 Member News & Updates
A by-no-means-exhaustive list of things that have happened over the preceding months. If I missed something big of yours, forgive me and please don’t take it personally, I barely know what’s going on outside of the four walls of my house these days 😆.
If you have updates/news to share with the club about yourself or a fellow member please email pro@indygaa.com to have it included in a future update. – Kyle
- Aaron Wilder received his MA in English, word on the street is he’s also one helluva bread baker…
- Break out the tweed and leather-bound books, Chris Bungard was promoted from Associate to Full Professor at Butler University
- Brogan Sheedy became engaged to this fiancée Erin
- Mike Monaghan and family welcomed their second child Jackson Patrick
- Reid Smith and family welcomed their daughter Harper Jo
- Phil Bar…something and family welcomed their second son Clayton
- Andretta Erickson, after many rounds of fostering cats with Indy Humane, finally found her forever-cat Ledger, beginning her slow descension to crazy cat lady status