We’ve received approval for our COVID-19 plan which means we can now start practices. So without further ado, here are the details:
- Location: O’Bannon Soccer Park – 950 E. 16th St.
- Time: 6:30-8:00pm
- Format: 45mins of Football / 45mins of Hurling/Camogie
COVID Protocols
Per required by Indy Parks and the Marion County Department of Public Health the Indy GAA was required to submit a COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Event Plan in order to conduct club activities. You can view a copy of the approved plan by clicking the button below, but let’s highlight the basics:
- All participants will be required to have their temperatures taken and complete a brief symptom survey
- This helps us ensure everyone is healthy enough to play and allows us to track who participates in the event that contact tracing needs to take place
- Masks will be required when not actively practicing
- Sharing of equipment will not be permitted
- 6 feet of distance should be maintained between participants as much as possible
- Practice will be split into smaller groups/pods to help ensure that proper space is given and all drills will be designed to minimize player contact
How to Help Us Start on Time
There are two simple things you can do to help make sure we can start practice on time and as smoothly as possible, they are:
- Fill out the symptom survey prior to stepping on the fields
- Show up 10-15 minutes early to make sure we have to opportunity to take everyone’s temperate prior to starting and verify that all surveys have been completed
If there are any questions or concerns regarding practice, or any of the protocols we’ve put in place, please don’t hesitate to reach out to board@indygaa.com.
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