Category: General

Some Good News – Indy GAA Edition

Some Good News

While I claim to be neither as charming or as handsome as John Krasinski, I figured that we could all use a nice dose of good news right now. As we continue wait out the ‘Rona here are few nice stories we thought might be worth sharing. Enjoy!

đŸ‘¶đŸ» Hey Babe

Scarlett Littlejohn

Indy GAA Board Chair David Littlejohn and family welcomed Scarlett Renee to the world on February 20th, just in time for her to get a taste of the before-times.

Baby and family are doing great and are making the most of social distancing by taking long walks through the neighborhood, preferably without any stops, because Scarlett is not a fan sitting still 😊

đŸ‘šđŸŸâ€đŸŽ“Big Man on Campus

Gaelic sports double-threat and proclaimed ‘Dawg with Style‘ Antwain Hunter was recently awarded tenure at Butler University and promoted to Associate Professor.

Rumor on the street says this means he can wear elbow patches on his tweed jacket now.

đŸ‡ș🇾 Back Home Safe

Ben Kemp has returned from a tour in Kuwait. Thank you for your service Ben, we are glad you’re back home safely and hope we get raise a pint with you soon, first round’s on us đŸ»

đŸŒŒđŸˆ Fake Flower?

Fake Pansy

Andretta Erickson has taken to pet fostering. At first Dretta was a tad suspicious of her new friend Pansy as she didn’t quite match her online profile (seems they never do), but she quickly decided to swipe right on her new friend and fostered her until last week when she was permanently adopted!

Don’t call her the crazy cat lady yet, but Dretta has decided to “go her own way” and and will be welcoming a new feline friend this week, Stevie Nicks.

đŸššđŸ» Special Delivery

Chef Boyar-Mathes

Brian Mathes answered Books N’ Brew’s call to arms for growlers when they ran out a few weeks back. BnB has been a perennial sponsor of the club and has even named a beer after us through their sister brewery Rad!

Brian put out an APB to the club and personally made the rounds to collect extra growlers from members and delivered over 30 of them!

đŸ’‡â€â™‚ïž Paul the Barber

Paul did it for Dan!

Paul Flynn raised over $3,400 for charity! The young son of a family friend back home motivated Paul to do something, so he set a goal of raising $2,500, with the extra motivation being he’d shave his head if the goal was hit. Amazingly, within four days the goal was surpassed and Paul made good on his bet.

Young Dan was only 8 months old when he was diagnosed with a very rare neuromuscular disease, and the family’s only hope to save his life is to fly him to the United States for a very costly treatment. People from all over the world joined in and have raised nearly 2 million Euros to get Dan the treatment he needs.

An Update Regarding the 2020 Season

I hope you’re doing well. Despite all that is happening around us with COVID-19, the Indy GAA board truly wants to make this season as best as possible for our members. We are taking our club members’ health and concerns into consideration in every decision we make. 

Please know that the board and myself have had to make some pretty tough calls these past few months. We love showing off how great our club is and representing Indianapolis both on and off of the pitch at the various tournaments and events throughout the year. With all of the unknowns and various factors that play into participating in these events, it seems that this year, it may be best to pull back and focus on our own club and community.

At the beginning of the year we decided to combine our football and hurling practices with the motto of “One Club.”  I think this motto has more meaning now than ever. Let’s make this an opportunity to focus on our club and our members to make us stronger for years to come. When all of this is over, we will show the other clubs just how great we are.

With that said I’ve complied a list of important updates below, so let’s get to it.

Pub League â€“ our season is on hold and will be altered to make the most of this situation. We are going to do our best to reschedule the season and will likely extend it into the fall. With so many unknowns at the moment, we have not set any new dates in stone. We will do our best to keep the Club informed as details develop.

Golf Outing â€“ Initially scheduled for May 30th is now postponed.  We will look to reschedule this event in September or October, if possible.

Indy Invitational â€“ Our largest local event initially scheduled for June 20th is now postponed. We are looking into potential dates in September or October for rescheduling. However, with so many unknowns, it is a real possibility we might not be able to host our Invitational this year. There are many external factors that play into this event this year. We anticipate that EVERYONE will be postponing their events and also looking to reschedule for September or October of this year. We will most likely be competing with many other local/regional/national events. We don’t know what other clubs’ availability and/or capability to travel for our tournament will be in the fall. There may still be health recommendations against amateur sport games/tournaments and/or large gatherings. In addition, we will be operating on a limited budget this year. We will have to evaluate the high cost of the event with the club’s actual 2020 budget. Many of our sponsors have been impacted by this situation so we will not be collecting our typical sponsorship funds this year (see more on our sponsor update below). We just want everyone to be prepared for the possibility it may not happen. 

Spark!Fishers â€“ Initially scheduled for June 27th is cancelled.

Nationals â€“ We do not know yet if the USGAA will be able to host the Nationals tournament this year.  We also do not know what travel recommendations will be in August and/or if our club members will be willing to travel to Boston this year. Similar to our Invitational, we do not know if large gatherings will be allowed or if amateur sports will be back in full swing by August. This is a big unknown at the moment. 

Sponsors – As we all know, many of our sponsors were greatly impacted by this COVID-19 pandemic.  Some were impacted much more than others. That is why we are planning to work with our sponsors on a case by case basis to have them contribute what they feel comfortable contributing, if anything at all. The board is looking into ways that we can help our sponsors in their time in need. If you have any thoughts or ideas please don’t hesitate to share them with the board and/or the club. If anything, please consider supporting them when/if you can buy purchasing their products or promoting their events/specials on social media.  

Mise le meas,

David Littlejohn
Indy GAA Board Chair

A COVID-19 Update

The Indy GAA Board and I know everyone is attempting to find their new normal right now, but we wanted to take a brief moment to share a few decisions we’ve made regarding the 2020 season.

Following the guidance of the CDC, the federal, state, and local levels we are suspending all club activities until Friday, April 17.  This will still allow us to tentatively host our Pub League Kickoff & Jersey Party at Hotel Tango, but this is all subject to change as we learn more and more health recommendations are developed. Important dates that follow shortly after our current start date include:

  • April 18 – Annual Referee Training/Refresher Course
  • April 19 – Week 1 of Hurling Pub League
  • April 21 – Weekly Practices Start
  • April 23 – Week 1 of Gaelic Football Pub League 

We are also in constant communication with the USGAA regarding their league play recommendations and their registration deadline. The original March 31st deadline was chosen by the Indy GAA board to help ensure we were registered prior to the USGAA’s official deadline of the end of April. For now we still ask that all members register with the USGAA by the end of the month, barring any changes.

We did get word that this year’s Continental Youth Championships in San Francisco have been canceled, but as of now USGAA Nationals in Boston (Aug 21st-23rd) are still on.

Again, all of these dates are subject to change as we continue to follow the government’s guidance, but as of now we are keeping an optimistic view as to how we will proceed this year. Rest assured that we are continuing to plan for contingencies if the need be, and we will do our best to continue to keep an open line of communication with our members as things proceed/develop.  Our coaches are working on some virtual training opportunities and we are hoping to put together some virtual social opportunities in the near future. Please keep your eye out of these events.

We will continue to send out communications via email, our social media, and our website, but if you are a current member you may want to keep an eye on our Slack workspace.  If you do not yet have access to Slack please email Kyle Keesling ( to get setup.

There are a lot of unknowns right now but we will work to keep everyone as informed as we can.  If you have any questions or thoughts regarding this whole situation, please feel free to contact me. 

In the meantime, please think about supporting our sponsors during these uncertain times. Many of them are in the hospitality sector, which is being especially affected by all of this. Be on the look-out for some fundraising events we have in the works to help support the businesses that have so graciously chosen to support us. On social media we encourage you to tag/share info about our sponsors, tag the club, and/or use the hashtag #indygaacares to show our support.

2020 Pub League Registration is Open

Registration is now live for the 2020 Indy GAA Pub League. We are excited to get things going early this year, but there are a couple of changes to the way registration works this year.

If you attended the AGM back in November you are likely already aware of these changes, but for those that could not make it, or just need a refresher, here’s what’s new.

Registration Process

The first change is that you will be required to register and pay dues with both the Indy GAA (like you normally do) as well as with the USGAA, our club’s national governing body.

In year’s past the club Secretary (thanks Susan!) has taken care of USGAA registration on our members’ behalf, and the club has absorbed the cost of the additional dues, but as the club grows, and the national dues fees increase, we’ve found that process to be unsustainable.

How to Register with the Indy GAA

Registering for the 2020 Indy GAA pub league couldn’t be easier:

  1. Visit the registration page
  2. Fill out the form
    1. It should be pre-populated if you were registered last year, just double check that you’re logged in and that the information is still correct
  3. Follow the redirect to PayPal and pay your $150 dues

How to Register with the USGAA

Information on how to register with the USGAA for 2020 is still forthcoming, but the fees will be:

  • Females – $40, with an additional $2 credit card fee
  • Males – $60, with an additional $3 credit card fee

We will be sure to pass on additional details regarding this process as soon as we receive them.

Registration Deadline

The second change is that there will be a hard deadline to register, with no exceptions. That deadline will Wednesday, February 5th. 

This deadline was picked to give us enough time to plan for the drafts, secure the proper number of pub league sponsors, order jerseys so that they will be available in time for the league to start, among other responsibilities. The league drafts will be held on:

  • Hurling Draft – Monday, February 10th
  • Gaelic Football Draft – Monday, February 17th.

All members must be paid in full to both the Indy GAA and USGAA prior to stepping on the pub league fields on April 19th. If you do not register by the deadline, you are NOT ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY ON-FIELD ACTIVITIES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. 

The only caveat to the registration deadline is that new members who have never been associated with any other USGAA-affiliated club have until August to register with the USGAA.

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, February 5th – Pub League Registration Deadline
  • Monday, February 10th – Hurling Pub League Draft
  • Monday, February 17th – Gaelic Football Pub League Draft
  • Friday, April 17th – USGAA Registration Deadline
  • Sunday, April 19th – First Day of Hurling Pub League
  • Thursday, April 23rd – First Day of Gaelic Football Pub League

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email

The 2019 AGM is this Sunday

2019 AGM
2019 AGM

The Indy GAA’s annual general meeting is this Sunday, at 10am and will be held at Daredevil Hall.

An increase in Indy GAA dues is being considered for next year. There are MANY factors that go into this decision–including increased USGAA member registration fees, increased costs, and more. Please take the time to read this document we’ve put together so we can all have an involved discussion that represents the opinions of the membership. You can view our dues analysis here.

You can view the full agenda for the meeting below, but if you have additional questions on items here in advance of the AGM, please email them to We will do our best to answer them & send a document with those questions to the members prior to the meeting.

2019 Fall League and Practices

Fall Practices Start Tomorrow

Fall practice starts up again this Wednesday, 6:30pm at Riverwood Park

These practices are great introductions to hurling and football and are geared towards new folks who are interested in learning more.

No gear is required other than a comfortable pair of shoes, so there’s no excuse not to come, and bring a friend while you’re at it.

Also, please don’t forget to register for fall league, which starts the first weekend in October.

Continue reading “Fall Practices Start Tomorrow”