Tag: pub league

Week 7 Has Been Postponed

After much deliberation on the board and consultation with team captains we’ve decided to postpone this weekend’s matches to next weekend.

This decision was made due to the fact that we have enough members traveling to the USGAA Nationals this weekend that nearly every team will be unable to fill a full roster.

We still welcome any folks that are still in town to come out to the fields for a stick-toss/scrimmage.

What does this mean for the schedule?

Luckily not too much! The schedule was created this year with a built-in make up week on September 19th. This was originally going to be used as a rain day or as an extra week of practice for teams prior to the playoffs, which start the following week, on September 26th.

All matches have simply slid by one week, allowing us to still complete the league on time. All calendars and team matchups have been updated to reflect the new dates and you can look below for the next scheduled matches.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us, board@indygaa.com

Week 5 Results

Daredevil Brewing notches their first win by handing Hotel Tango their first loss while Skyline and Guinness are still undefeated. Only one undeated will remain after their match up next week!

Week 4 Results

Hope Plumbing andย Daredevil Brewing are still searching for a win,ย Dugan & Volandย finally gets a W, while Skyline, Guinness, and Hotel Tango remain undefeated.

Week 5 Pick ‘Em

Commissioner Cabeen has posted the Week 5 Pick ‘Em form, so be sure to get your picks in before the matches this Sunday.

Premier Nights are Back

For those of who may be unfamiliar, Premier Nights are a chance for our members to play a match under the lights on a (nearly) properly sized pitch. We encourage all members along with their friends and family to come out and enjoy a night of good games and good fun.

We hope to hold three matches for the evening, one hurling, one Camogie, and one Gaelic football, but that all depends on your availability and willingness to play. So if youโ€™d like to participate in any of these matches, please fill out this form so we can put together the most competitive teams possible.

Beers from our sponsors will also be available for purchase, so donโ€™t forget your wallet!

Tristan and the Mighty Bucks

Pub League Starts this Weekend

Pub league starts this weekend and we couldn’t be more excited! These games have been a long time coming and I know that it’ll be great to see everyone out on the pitch again. With that being said, I wanted to take a moment to share a few bits of info with everyone.

League Pick ‘Em is Back

Our league commissioner, Tim Cabeen, is once again holding a League Pick ‘Em. Those who are interested in participating can submit their Week 1 picks here. If you have any questions you can get ahold of Tim here.

A Special Thanks

I also wanted to take a moment and acknowledge all of the hard work and planning that has gone into making the season possible, particularly Tristan and the “Hardy Bucks” (my favorite band in college) who braved some adverse weather conditions this week to get the fields lined for this weekend.

Aussie Friendly has Been Postponed

We were informed this morning by our friends the Indy Giants that our Aussie rules football friendly scheduled for this Saturday will need to be postponed until further notice. We’ll be sure to share more details on the re-match as they come together.

Week 1 Details

We are hoping that the weather holds out on us, but if something changes be sure to keep an eye on Slack for the latest. If you need access to our Slack community please email me.

Without further ado below you’ll find the Week 1 matchups. You can also view lots of useful info on each matchup page, including fields, referees, and officiating crews.

July Updates

Pub League Starts Next Weekend!

I hope you are as excited as I am to get back on the pitch for Pub League.  It has been too long since weโ€™ve all been able to get together and play.  Games are scheduled to start on July 11th at Eugene Burns fields and you can check your teamโ€™s schedule (here).  One thing you will notice about the schedule this year is that hurling and football will both be played on Sundays. 

Another thing you will notice is that teams will be sharing ref/officiating duties for both sports.  Please do your best to be available for both your game and officiating duties when your team is scheduled to do so.  It makes things run a lot easier when we have enough members ready to play/help on time.  Since we have 7 teams for hurling this season we had to adjust the schedule and unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, this will require bye weeks for all teams. 

Before we get started on the 11thย it would be best to make sure you have everything ready to go when you get to the fields.ย  Aside from having your standard playing equipment please make sure you have at least your own water bottle(s) and sunscreen.ย 

With hurling and football on the same day some days may be long.  A few other items you may consider bringing for game days are snacks, a chair, tent (something for shade), more water, a change of shoes/sandals, etc.  I am looking forward to a fun season and canโ€™t wait to see everyone back on the pitch. 

You can view the entire pub league schedule here, and view each individual team’s schedule by visiting the team pages on our website. Woody White has also created a handy, printable schedule, so be sure to check that out as well!

Referee Training

Our own Brian Mathes will be hosting a virtual referee training course on July 14thย at 8:30pm.ย Since all teams will be required to officiate games through the season and we will need hurlers to help with football and vice versa this is a great opportunity to learn all of the basics and rules for both sports.ย More details can be found here โ†’


With so many unknowns last year and at the beginning of this year the board decided not to officially send any teams to nationals this season.  The plan is to host a full Pub League season for all of our members and to get the family back together.  We are hoping to get things back to normal next year for our schedule and tournaments. 

Before the USGAAโ€™s deadline to submit teams to nationals the board was contacted by members who requested to travel to nationals independently to play for the Indy GAA.  The board accepted this request and submitted it to the Heartland Division and USGAA asking if members from our club at different levels of play could participate at nationals with the stipulation of playing at Junior B or lower.  This was a unique request for this year because the members interested to play come from various levels of play.  The USGAA considered our membersโ€™ request for a few weeks and granted them to play this year at the Junior B level since there will be Junior A and Junior C players playing together. 

This is a one-time situation that was led by our members and we wish them the best in Boston.  If you are interested in playing in Boston or want to get more touches on the ball at their practices this summer contact Brogan Sheedy for more information.

We have received questions asking if the club has paid any fees/dues/money to send the team to Boston this year and the answer is no.ย  Each player is covering their own expenses for travel and the tournament (as any normal year) and there are no registration fees directly affiliated with sending teams to Nationals so the club did not pay any additional fees/dues for these members to attend the tournament. ย  ย 

I hope everyone has a fun, and safe 4th of July, and I’ll see you on the pitch!

An Update On Practices and Pub League

With the end of March approaching the days are getting longer and the light at the end of the COVID tunnel is brighter than ever. We are not out of the woods yet, but all of our adult members will be eligible for vaccinations starting  March 31st which is a great first step back to normalcy. This year will (obviously) be different than a normal year, with our focus being solely on the club, and with the weather getting warmer we want to get started with COVID-sensitive practices as soon as we are able to do so. 

What Are We Waiting For?
Getting back on the pitch requires a space to do so, and in order to reserve fields this year we are required to have a COVID-19 event plan approved by the Marion County Health Department.  We submitted our event plan in February and are still waiting on their response.  With COVID-19 tracking, the NCAA tournament, vaccine distribution, and our planned start date, the health department has not been able to review/approve our plan yet, but they anticipate that they will be able to shortly

After our plan is approved we plan to host socially distanced practices until it is safe to introduce contact, with a target start date of some time in April. Prior to the first practice we will be sending out information outlining our safety policies/protocols.  Keep in mind that there will likely be some minor procedures/pre-checks that weโ€™ll need to adhere to (temperature checks, questionnaires, etc.) when attending practices, but itโ€™s a minor inconvenience thatโ€™s necessary to help ensure that we provide the safest environment as possible for all of our participants and their friends and loved-ones.

Pub League
We are optimistic at this point that weโ€™ll be able to return to normal play later this summer with Pub League starting in July. The July start to our leagues should provide us enough time to offer a full season, while also giving us some wiggle room for any adjustments that may need to take place.  The delay also allows everyone time to get fully vaccinated, gives players a chance to get back into โ€œgame shapeโ€ to reduce injuries, and also provides enough time for health recommendations to hopefully allow for more contact. 

Notable Changes
One of the biggest differences to note this year is that we are not planning to participate in Nationals. This decision allows us to concentrate on our pub league games without requiring us to pause our season to practice and travel for nationals. Another change will be that hurling and Gaelic football will both be played on Sundays. This is because the youth American football season will be taking place at Eugene Burns on weekdays in the summer so Sunday is the only available day for us to reserve the fields.

We are doing our best to host practices and games in a safe way this year.  I hope you are excited to get back on the pitch and I look forward to seeing everyone out there. Letโ€™s take this opportunity to focus on our club, our safety, and our camaraderie to keep our club strong and successful for years to come. 

โ˜˜๏ธ Spring Update

๐Ÿฆ  The Latest Regarding COVID

I hope your 2021 is off to as good of a start as it can be given the current situation.  Hopefully this year weโ€™ll be able to gather and play again, but we are still in a holding pattern as we wait for things to get better.  If this were a normal season we would have already had our draft events, our second round of indoor would be complete and weโ€™d be gearing up for St. Patrickโ€™s Day. 

Unfortunately COVID is hanging around into 2021, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.ย  So far this year our board has been able to hold two meetings to discuss plans for the upcoming year.ย  At this point we still donโ€™t know when health professionals will recommend that it is safe to play contact sports, but we will keep a very close eye on their recommendations and guidance and weโ€™ll do our best to keep the Club informed of any updates and/or plans for our events and season.ย 

๐Ÿ“‹ 2021 League Registration

Josh Lane has created potential schedules with varying start dates so we can hit the ground running when the time comes.  Weโ€™ve submitted our COVID plan to the Marion County Health Department in order to reserve the fields at Eugene Burns. 

Our main goal is to keep our members and their families safe and healthy which is why we will not host games if there are still restrictions that recommend against it.  With that in mind, our board has also chosen to focus on our local events and season this year and as part of that adjustment we will not be hosting our invitational.

Not knowing when we will be able to start our season makes it a little tricky to ask our members to register for the season.  To help us get a better understanding of who all is interested in playing this year we are asking members to register here at no cost (for now).  When we are able to play we will ask for all members to pay before playing our first games. 

This week, the USGAA has also announced that they will be requiring registration, including the same fee structure as in past years ($63 males/$42 females). Be on the lookout for an email from Rachel soon on how to complete that process.

Having this early registration helps us plan for the upcoming season.ย  We hope that all of our members will return to play but we understand that each person has their own level of comfort regarding this situation and may choose to put more time between the pandemic and playing.

๐Ÿ† February Skills Challenge

Last month we launched our virtual challenge program and are working to continue it to encourage our members to stay active and engaged.  Februaryโ€™s Frigid Digits Challenge has wrapped up and Hope Plumbing won the first round of hurling and Bier Brewery took the win for football

We are planning to continue the virtual challenge program and would like to see all of our members submit their challenge videos.  If you have any thoughts or ideas on challenges or how we can improve this program please feel free to send them to the board.

Stay tuned as we will be announcing the March challenge soon.

โœ๏ธ March Board Meeting

This monthโ€™s board meeting will be held next week, onย Wednesday, March 10thย atย 7:30pm. If you care to join us you can useย this meeting link. If you have any issues joining the call please contactย Kyle.

๐Ÿ“ฐ Member News & Updates

A by-no-means-exhaustive list of things that have happened over the preceding months. If I missed something big of yours, forgive me and please donโ€™t take it personally, I barely know whatโ€™s going on outside of the four walls of my house these days ๐Ÿ˜†.
If you have updates/news to share with the club about yourself or a fellow member please emailย pro@indygaa.comย to have it included in a future update. – Kyle

  • Aaron Wilder received his MA in English, word on the street is he’s also one helluva bread baker…
  • Break out the tweed and leather-bound books, Chris Bungard was promoted from Associate to Full Professor at Butler University
  • Brogan Sheedy became engaged to this fiancรฉe Erin
  • Mike Monaghan and family welcomed their second child Jackson Patrick
  • Reid Smith and family welcomed their daughter Harper Jo
  • Phil Bar…something and family welcomed their second son Clayton
  • Andretta Erickson, after many rounds of fostering cats with Indy Humane, finally found her forever-cat Ledger, beginning her slow descension to crazy cat lady status

2020 Pub League Registration is Open

Registration is now live for the 2020 Indy GAA Pub League. We are excited to get things going early this year, but there are a couple of changes to the way registration works this year.

If you attended the AGM back in November you are likely already aware of these changes, but for those that could not make it, or just need a refresher, hereโ€™s whatโ€™s new.

Registration Process

The first change is that you will be required to register and pay dues with both the Indy GAA (like you normally do) as well as with the USGAA, our clubโ€™s national governing body.

In yearโ€™s past the club Secretary (thanks Susan!) has taken care of USGAA registration on our membersโ€™ behalf, and the club has absorbed the cost of the additional dues, but as the club grows, and the national dues fees increase, weโ€™ve found that process to be unsustainable.

How to Register with the Indy GAA

Registering for the 2020 Indy GAA pub league couldnโ€™t be easier:

  1. Visit the registration page
  2. Fill out the form
    1. It should be pre-populated if you were registered last year, just double check that youโ€™re logged in and that the information is still correct
  3. Follow the redirect to PayPal and pay your $150 dues

How to Register with the USGAA

Information on how to register with the USGAA for 2020 is still forthcoming, but the fees will be:

  • Females – $40, with an additional $2 credit card fee
  • Males – $60, with an additional $3 credit card fee

We will be sure to pass on additional details regarding this process as soon as we receive them.

Registration Deadline

The second change is that there will be a hard deadline to register, with no exceptions. That deadline will Wednesday, February 5th.ย 

This deadline was picked to give us enough time to plan for the drafts, secure the proper number of pub league sponsors, order jerseys so that they will be available in time for the league to start, among other responsibilities. The league drafts will be held on:

  • Hurling Draft – Monday, February 10th
  • Gaelic Football Draft – Monday, February 17th.

All members must be paid in full to both the Indy GAA and USGAA prior to stepping on the pub league fields on April 19th. If you do not register by the deadline, you are NOT ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY ON-FIELD ACTIVITIES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.ย 

The only caveat to the registration deadline is that new members who have never been associated with any other USGAA-affiliated club have until August to register with the USGAA.

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, February 5th – Pub League Registration Deadline
  • Monday, February 10th – Hurling Pub League Draft
  • Monday, February 17th – Gaelic Football Pub League Draft
  • Friday, April 17th – USGAA Registration Deadline
  • Sunday, April 19th – First Day of Hurling Pub League
  • Thursday, April 23rd – First Day of Gaelic Football Pub League

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email registration@indygaa.com.

2019 Hurling Pub League – Week 3 Results

Determined to avoid cancelling two of the first three weeks of the 2019 season the club was able to squeak in this week’s matches amid the miserable rainy, cold weather.

We’ll be off the next two weeks for Easter and the St. Louis tournament, with matches resuming May 2nd.